A query result conforming to the SPARQL Query Results XML Format specification is one big sparql element with header information in a head element and the actual results in a results element. 符合SPARQLQueryResultsXMLFormat规范的查询结果是一个大的sparql元素,头部信息在head元素中,实际的结果在results元素中。
That module will look at a message that Acme receives from a customer, parse the message header, and, based on the conversation state and the header information, pass it to an appropriate handler. 这个模块看到Acme从客户那里接收到的消息,解析消息头,再根据对话状态和头信息把它传递给合适的处理程序。
You can use a mouse or the keyboard left and right arrow keys to scroll with the bar, and you can display the rest of the header information for calendar entries. 可以使用鼠标或键盘的左右键控制滚动条进行滚动,以显示日程表条目的标题信息的其余部分。
Ability to specify header information. 指定标头信息的能力。
No other header information from the MIME package header is present in the HTTP header. HTTP报头中不包含来自MIME包报头的其它报头信息。
One of the most powerful features of message handlers is their ability to manipulate and augment message content and message header information. 消息处理程序最强大的功能之一是处理和扩充消息内容及消息头信息。
The message is an envelope that contains header information, which can be used to tell the receiving system how to authenticate the incoming message. 消息是包含标头信息的信封,可以使用标头信息来告诉接收系统如何对传入消息进行身份验证。
In explicit headers, you add all of the header information to the portType of the service. 在显式消息头中,用户将消息头的所有信息添加给服务的portType了。
As mentioned above, WebSphere MQ adds header information to the message in specific circumstances. 如上所述,WebSphereMQ在特定环境下添加头信息到消息中。
This editor has multiple sections on the main window, one of which is for the file header information. 该编辑器的主窗口中包含多个部分,其中之一用于文件头信息。
At this point the client is configured to provide the proper header information to the proxy service. 在这个时候,客户端被配置为给代理服务提供适当的头信息。
The model consists of an object for carts(" Cart") that contains the cart header information. 该模型由一个购物车对象(“Cart”)组成,这个对象包含了购物车消息头信息。
The next few lines of code set specific header information. 接下来几行代码的作用是设置具体的头信息。
This is exactly where using implicit headers can help: header information is not part of the portType, and thus does not impact the functional interface of the service. 下面是使用隐式消息头的好处:消息头信息并不是portType的一部分,因此不会影响服务的功能性接口。
When all the header information for calendar entries cannot be displayed completely for a day in a calendar view, the day displays a horizontal scroll bar. 在日程表视图中,当一天中的所有日程表条目的标题信息无法完全显示时,则为这一天显示一个横向滚动条。
In the value field mention/ copy the SOAP Header information and check the Header checkbox. 在value字段提及/复制SOAP头部信息并勾选Header复选框。
This is done by sending additional header information in the HTTP request/ response messages. 这通过在HTTP请求/响应消息中发送额外的头部信息来完成。
When a packet reaches the firewall, the kernel first examines the header information of the packet, particularly the destination of the packet. 当信息包到达防火墙时,内核先检查信息包的头信息,尤其是信息包的目的地。
In the above code contains the header information we need to determine the high level protocol being used by the connecting application. 包含头部信息,这是我们确定连接应用程序所使用的高级协议所需要的。
That imports the CGI library and then sends the correct HTTP header information; the rest of the output is the same VXML that was generated before. 这些代码导入CGI库,然后发送正确的HTTP报头信息;输出的其余部分是与以前相同的VXML。
The above step captured the Header Information with Username Token. 以上的步骤捕捉到包含用户名令牌的头部信息。
The-H option adds header information to the columns of output. H选项用于为输出中的各列添加标题信息。
Especially in the case of implicit headers, extra code must be written ( or generated) to deal with the header information that is not part of the portType. 特别是在隐式消息头实例中,必需编写(或者生成)额外的代码来处理不属于portType部分的消息头信息。
Specifically, we retrieve an EPR representation of the header information from the SOAP message context. 具体来说,我们从SOAP消息上下文中检索头信息的EPR表示。
The optional SOAP Header element contains header information. 可选择的SOAP标题元素包含了标题信息。
Header information in a table are defined with the tag. 表格的表头用标记来定义。
The HEAD tags contain all of the document's header information. 头部标签包括了所有文件中文件头信息。
First table does not appear after header information. 标题信息没有第一个表格。
Message Headers: You can control how much message header information you see in your messages. 邮件头:您可以控制邮件中所显示的邮件头信息的多少。
Toggles the ability to see message header information in the preview pane. 切换此开关,您可以在预览窗格中查看邮件的邮件标题信息。